A Bible Devotion

Friday, February 28, 2025

Prayer Strengthens You

ISAIAH 40:31 NKJ 31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...

Too many people think of prayer only as asking God for what they want. But prayer is much more than that. Prayer is communication and communion with Almighty God. Somehow, in the act of prayer we receive a transfusion of God's strength.

LUKE 22:46 NKJ 46 ..."pray, lest you enter into temptation."

Being strong enables you to not enter into temptation. Time spent in prayer strengthens you spiritually. (Temptation strikes us all. But we decide whether to yield to the temptation, or not.)

JUDE 1:20 NKJ 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

According to Jude, praying builds you up, or edifies you. Prayer is a spiritual exercise; the more you do it the stronger you get spiritually.

Some may protest that they don't know how to pray. Just begin to talk to God. And listen for His response, not through a voice, but through His Word, or thoughts in line with His Word. God is not so particular about how His children visit with Him. Just do it!

SAY THIS: I choose to spend time with God each day in prayer and receive God's strength and help.


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