A Bible Devotion

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jesus Is The Savior

MATTHEW 1:21 NIV 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

The name "Jesus" actually means "the Lord saves" or "the Lord is a Savior."

So, when we say "Jesus" we are actually saying "Savior." The two words are synonyms.

The angel told Joseph what to name the son born to his wife Mary -- and the reason for that particular name. Jesus: because He will save. We could say, "Savior -- because He will save."

Being a savior is integral to Jesus' nature. That's what He is. Not just something that He does. He IS, by His very nature, a Savior.

But we are so used to hearing the word "Savior" in relation to Jesus that it has lost its meaning for us. It no longer affects our thinking the way it should. So we need to hear another word -- Deliverer.

The word savior means deliverer. To save something means to deliver it. To deliver something means to set it free from what held it down and kept it from being whole.

You don't have to convince Jesus to deliver you -- He IS a deliverer! That's what He does. It's as natural for Him to set you free and make you whole as it is for you to breathe.

All you have to do is allow Jesus jurisdiction in your life. Invite Him in. He will bring deliverance.

Too many people have been deceived into thinking that allowing Jesus into their life would put them in bondage and hold them back. No! Jesus brings freedom. He delivers you from bondage.

SAY THIS: Jesus is my Deliverer! He delivers me from everything that would hold me down and keep me from wholeness.


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