A Bible Devotion

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Perfect Friend

PROVERBS 18:24 RSV 24 There are friends who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Would you like to have a perfect friend?

A friend who loved you no matter what you did.

A friend who would always be there when you needed them.

A friend who knew you intimately yet still loved you.

A friend who always encouraged you and never put you down.

A friend who was smart but not conceited.

A friend who had no personal problems to distract them.

A friend who was powerful and famous, yet down-to-earth and approachable.

A friend who is righteous yet merciful to others.

A friend who never makes a mistake.

A friend who enjoyed having a good time and sharing a laugh with you.

A friend who had the knowledge and ability to help you with everything.

A friend who is not too good to wash your feet or clean your toilet, yet talented enough to be the best at everything.

A friend who puts your interests ahead of their own.

A friend who loves you more than you love yourself.

A friend who would be willing to die for you.

There is only one. His name is Jesus, and He wants to be your friend.

SAY THIS: Jesus is my friend.


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